How We Work
Completion Time
We try to get ALL jobs out in 20 working days, which means 3-4 weeks from the day we receive your job. This is the norm 98% of the time.
The size of job has nothing to do with getting the job out on time, but repairs and restoration of badly pitted pot metal sometimes delays the job up to 5 days.
Rush service available
2-Day Rush 100% surcharge
5-Day Rush 50% surcharge
10-Day Rush 25% surcharge
These are GUARANTEED times for those of you needing your parts by a deadline.
Receiving and Pricing
ALL ESTIMATES do NOT include Shipping
When shipments arrive, the boxes are dated. The following day they are assigned a job number, then opened one at a time and digitally photographed for inventory control.
When bumpers and bumper guards are inventoried we also engrave the job number on the back. That way we know you get back your original pieces and they are dated for warranty purposes.
No deposit is required unless stated.
We cannot provide an exact price quote over the phone or internet. Once we see the parts we can give you a more accurate estimate. All items must be taken apart 100%. If we have to take apart your pieces we will charge you and will NOT put anything back together.
Our minimum charge is $100 per order.
We do not take any credit cards. Occasionally, when we strip and clean a part, we find cracks, dents and deterioration that you or we may not have noticed when originally priced.
24K Gold will be charged at 100% over the chrome price and carries no warranty.
Be sure to include year and model of your part and name, address, phone number and any special instructions. We try to get all jobs out in 20 (Monday-Friday) working days. Rush service available